Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
The Digital Nomad Visa is a special type of visa, available from the 30th of October of 2022, that allows foreigners to stay legally in Portugal while working remotely, either with subordinate link (work contract) or independent link, for a natural or legal person based outside Portugal.
This visa can be granted as a Temporary Stay Visa (period of stay is under one year) or as a Residence Visa (period of stay over one year).
General documentation needed:
Official form.
Passport or additional travel document valid for 3 months after the duration of the stay.
Two passport photos, up-to-date and with enough quality to identify the applicant.
Criminal record certificate from the country of origin (for foreigners) and from the country where the applicant lives for more than a year; (Criminal record with a 6 month validity needs to be translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator.) If you are living in the country of origin over 1 year, you need to submit a document that proves it.
Travel medical insurance that covers any expenses (capital not inferior to 30.000 € — the amount in EUR or equivalent needs to be explicit) which might arise, including urgent medical attention and repatriation; (The period of insurance should cover 1 day before and 1 day after of your travel and should at least have a 4 month validity after arriving in Portugal).
Residence permit of the country of origin and its photocopy (for foreigners) (valid 6 months after the intended date of departure).
Request for criminal record enquiry by the Immigration and Border Services (SEF).
Proof of accommodation (for at least, the 3 first months): hotel or similar, lease contract with certified signature of the landlord.
Specific documentation:
For subordinate link, one of the following documents:
Work contract with signature of the employer certified/notarized.
Promise of work contract with signature of the future employer certified/notarized.
Certified/notarized statement from the employer proving the employment relationship.
In situations of independent professional activity, one of the following documents:
A company contract with contracting entity signature certified/notarized;
A contract for rendering services with contracting entity signature certified/notarized.
A written proposal for a contract for the rendering of services with contracting entity signature certified/notarized.
A document demonstrating services provided to one or more entities, with contracting entity signature certified/notarized.
Proof of average monthly income earned in the exercise of subordinate or independent professional activity in the last three months of a minimum value equivalent to four guaranteed minimum monthly remunerations (for 2022 — RMMG is 705 €, hence — 2900 €, net revenues).
The proof of this requirement should be made through the presentation of bank extracts of the last 3 months in any legal currency. This Consular Section can demand certified documents ie, certified/notarized bank declarations with balances or longer period extracts in case the documents provided do not provide sufficient evidence. In case the extracts are not provided in English, Portuguese or the language from the country where the application is made, they need to be translated officially to one of the abovementioned languages.
A certified/official document attesting the applicant fiscal residence.
General documentation needed:
Official form.
Passport or additional travel document valid for 3 months after the duration of the stay.
Two passport photos, up-to-date and with enough quality to identify the applicant.
Criminal record certificate from the country of origin (for foreigners) and from the country where the applicant lives for more than a year; (Criminal record with a 6 month validity needs to be translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator.) If you are living in the country where you aplly over 1 year, you need to submit a document that proves it.
Travel medical insurance that covers any expenses (capital not inferior to 30.000 €) which might arise, including urgent medical attention and repatriation; (The period of insurance should cover 1 day before and 1 day after of your travel).
Residence permit of the country of origin and its photocopy (for foreigners) (valid 6 months after the intended date of departure).
Request for criminal record enquiry by the immigration and Border Services (SEF).
Proof of accommodation (for at least, the 3 first months): hotel or similar, lease contract with certified signature of the landlord.
Specific documentation:
For subordinate link, one of the following documents:
Work contract with signature of the employer certified/notarized.
Certified/notarized statement from the employer proving the employment relationship.
In situations of independent professional activity, one of the following documents:
A company contract with contracting entity signature certified/notarized;
A contract for rendering services with contracting entity signature certified/notarized.
A document demonstrating services provided to one or more entities, with contracting entity signature certified/notarized.
Proof of average monthly income earned in the exercise of subordinate or independent professional activity in the last three months of a minimum value equivalent to four guaranteed minimum monthly remunerations (for 2022 — RMMG is 705 €, hence — 2820 €, net revenues).
The proof of this requirement should be made through the presentation of bank extracts of the last 3 months in any legal currency. This Consular Section can demand certified documents ie, certified/notarized bank declarations with balances or longer period extracts in case the documents provided do not provide sufficient evidence. In case the extracts are not provided in English, Portuguese or the language from the country where the application is made , they need to be translated officially to one of the abovementioned languages.
A certified/official document attesting the applicant fiscal residence.
Family members of a digital nomad visa applicant, when all the family travels from the same country of origin, can apply for a visa for accompaning the main applicant. In that case, these are the documents needed:
Certified document proving the family relationship (normally minors or young adults that are dependent of the applicant).
Availability of specific and resources, through presentation of bank accounts, for the requested period of stay (reference of available value per month/minimum — 760 € for adult family member applicant, 380 € for dependent adult and 240 € for dependent children — 2023 values). Ie, this means that in an application of the partner of a digital nomad visa for a period of one year must prove, at least, the availability of 705 € x 12/ 2 = 4.230 € in bank accounts. These values needed to be proved apart of the resources for the digital nomad visa applicant.
After collecting all the documents required, they are sent to the competent consulate.
Due the increased number of applications, the validation of the documents will never take up less than two weeks’ time upon their reception, so there is no point on contacting the consular section before the end of that period. In case of need they will ask for further documentation and/or a personal interview.
In case you cannot provide all these documents, the application will not be accepted.
Only after the validation they can schedule the appointment for submitting the application, considering our availability (normally waiting period is two weeks for submission).
This means that, when booking flights/accommodation for the arrival date in Portugal, you should at least, program it for 4 months after starting to collect all the documents. The Embassies are not liable for any expenses with changing flights or accommodation, especially if the abovementioned period of wait is not respected.